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Sub 45 | Experiencing Somatic Dance in the Everyday (session 2)

  • Online Singapore/Manila (map)

Guest Instructor: Vincent Yong [Singapore]

Workshop Fee: SGD 12

Register for the workshop HERE.

Connect with the innate wisdom of the body (‘soma’in Greek) through somatic movement, which integrates performing arts, physiology, psychology and sociology. Vincent Yong, Singapore's first and only internationally-accredited Registered Somatic Movement Educator & Therapist, will lead participants in exploring gentle movements that release physical and mental tensions and bring a natural dance into their daily lives. By letting the body lead the way, participants can learn to use the breath and small movements to get a respite from our fast-paced lives and the pressures of the outside world.

Presented by The Substation, Sub 45 – online workshops is series of arts experiences in 45 minutes, suitable for arts enthusiasts, first-timers, and non-arts practitioners. Conducted live by established guest instructors, Sub 45 is an invitation to submerge in the arts from the comfort of home anywhere in Southeast Asia and infuse creative energy into daily life – a real-time virtual workshop in just under one hour!

* Suitable for all ages and abilities, including children and seniors. No prior experience required to attend.
* As this is a movement session, participants are encouraged to turn on their cameras to allow visual interaction with the Instructor and fellow participants.
* Two sessions available (17 Mar & 24 Mar). While both sessions will offer the same content, the experience will vary on each day.

About the Artist

Vincent Yong is an independent movement artist, educator, and therapist with over 20 years of experience across Europe, the US, and Singapore. He is the first and currently only Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (RSME, RSMT) in Singapore to be accredited by the International Somatic Movement Educator and Therapy Association (ISMETA). As the founder of Danspire International, Vincent introduced this new field of somatic dance and movement to Singapore, and has trained numerous students who have gone on to become movement teachers and performing artists.

Vincent remains the only Singaporean dancer to have graduated from the prestigious CODARTS in the Netherlands and has toured many cities during his dance career. He has authored his first book, Flow – The Art of Creating AbunDance, and contributed to various publications. Notably, he has also represented Singapore as a presenter at Harvard University during a neuroscience conference and a guest speaker at the global educational conference, The Embodiment Conference. He is Singapore's only Certified Movement Analyst conferred in the US by the Laban Institute of Movement Studies.