Shaiful Risan


B.A.C.A (10 & 11 Nov)_05.jpeg

10 & 11 October 2020
The Substation SAD Bar
Free admission (Registration at the door)
Limited to 8 pax at any one time

Baca (“read or to read” in Bahasa) is a social gathering of sharing and reading independent literature. Through a series of books, zines, and periodicals, punk artist Shaiful Risan takes us on a journey through time across generations and countries from the ‘90s to present day. The gathering creates a space for us to question where is the endpoint that we are all heading to, in today’s mechanical world, which continually emphasises on efficiency and progress. Perhaps preserving the subcultures of our world can almost serve as a counterpoint. In this gathering of independent authors and zine-making, we look back at what once was as a way to steer forward to the future.


Shaiful Risan

Shaiful Risan is involved in many things; from subculture events to theatre to crew work; from being an actor, a director and a host/emcee to a co-ordinator of many more things. He is also known to be an intermediary between various disciplines and a proxy advisory assistant to a few projects within the umbrella of arts and entertainment. He is a proud void deck Mat that doesn't shy away from intellectual confrontations and rigid arguments about how things are.

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